Happy 2016!

31 december 2015 - Las Vegas, Nevada, Verenigde Staten

On old years day we went on our way to Las Vegas, city of entertainment and gambling! We stood up early, had a minimal breakfast and went on our way there. It was a half hour drive, but because of timezones we went back an hour. So it took us -30 minutes to get in Vegas, if you get me ;)

Once we were there we checked in at the hotel, the Marriott Courtyard hotel, and got to our room. I notified my friend Joseph that I was in Vegas. He lives there and said he would meet us up to hang out for a while. Once he was there we went to Sonic, a typical american drive through. Mom and I both had hot dogs, a chili dog and an All American dog, mmmmmm! Delicious! Joseph had to pick up friends at 1 and do other things so he dropped us off at the hotel and said goodbye. I'll probably see him at Woodbury before I leave though!

Then I got a message from Sabrina! She landed in Vegas and was on her way to her rented house with her family and friends. We said that we would meet up at three or four at the famous Las Vegas strip. After going to the strip and illegally walking around in gambling areas, because I'm 19 and not 21 yet, we went on our way to the Palazzo where Sabrina parked. It was quite a long walk along all the big buildings with many lights, we arrived at the Palazzo. And let me tell you, Vegas is huge. Super huge. We met Sabrina and both me and mom and her and her family went out for dinner in this all American restaurant. Her family was lovely, and mom had a great time too! Mom wanted something small to eat, because she wasn't that hungry so she ordered a pretzel. Well, little did she know that the pretzel was huge!

We had a great time walking around the strip with her and her family, and we catched up a lot. Sabrina had to go to a Katy Perry concert, so she had to leave at 8. We said goodbye and me and mom went towards the hotel since the strip was closing! We went to bed for a little while and woke up at 23:40 to celebrate New Years. We had a view of the strip from our hotel room, and it was amazing! All the fireworks were synchronized and overall it was beautiful, the large city with many lights plus a lot of fireworks! We had a great change of years, and tomorrow we are going, as suggested by Klienemême, towards Salt Lake City!

1 Reactie

  1. Eijmert Versteegt:
    3 januari 2016
    Wat leuk dat je een paar van je vrienden tegenkomt in Vegas... Zo te lezen hebben jullie samen een prachtig begin van het nieuwe jaar meegemaakt. Mooi!